
This module collects basic processing routines for aerosol lidar systems. Its aim is to act as a repository of pre-processing and optical processing routines, that can be used as a basic building block for any atmospheric lidar processing software.

To make it reusable, the module includes only the pre-processing and optical processing functions. Reading data, visualization, etc. should be handled by different modules.


Here is a list of complementary lidar-related modules:

Molecular scattering

The lidar_molecular module is a collection of scripts to calculate scattering parameters of molecular atmosphere.

Raw lidar files

The atmospheric-lidar module contains classes to read raw lidar data files, including Licel binary files. It can be used for plotting (quicklooks) and converting raw data to SCC format.


Each function should be documented following the Numpy doc style.

For details see the numpy documentation.

All docstrings are collected to a single documentation file using the Sphinx module. The documentation is located in the docs/ folder. The documentation is written in restructured text format.

You can rebuild the docs by running the following command from the docs folder.

make html

The documentation is also built automatically every time you push your changes to the repository. You can find it online in Read the docs.


Some tests, based on unittest2 library, are located in the lidar_processing/tests/ folder.

You can run all the test using the commands from the project directory.

python -m unittest discover


The module is still in a very early stage so most things need to be done. Here is an indicative list of things to add:

  • Signal gluing

  • Optical product gluing (e.g. from near and far range telescopes).

  • Error propagation (Monte Carlo method).

  • Klett algorithm for elastic lidar retrieval

  • Raman scattering algorithms for backscatter and extinction.

Even if you don’t have something to code, there are other ways to contribute, e.g:

  • Review/improve this documentation.

  • Test that the implemented functions work correctly.

  • Suggest missing routines or other improvements.